Performance não
Estar numa praça
central ou algo assim com um chapéu de sol e talvez vestido, biquini, toalha...
como se estivesse sentada na areia. Mas com a idéia de apresentar os poemas e
trocar poemas com as pessoas, sem uso comercial, que é o que mais me incomoda
nesse ambiente das pracinhas aqui no centro, esse turismo devorador.... queria
compor um grande haikai renga sobre o mar... e somente estar com as pessoas, sem esse ritmo louco de consumo de férias.
foto Jorge Pereira
Images of crabs, seaweed... this whole life that is there. What imbalance and density have to do with it? I do not want to be merely illustrative of sea life, illustrative of a movement, but to show the immense ability that this force has to move people, to change and renew itself, the sea is this immense strength we try to tame but that engulfs us.
Performance unrealized: SEA EX - CHANGE
Being in a central square or something with a sun hat and maybe dress, bikini, towel ... as if you were sitting in the sand. But with the idea of presenting the poems and exchanging poems with people, not with a commercial use, which is what bothers me most in this environment here in the city center this devouring tourism .... I wanted to compose a great haikai renga about the sea ... and only be with people without this crazy pace of holiday consumer.
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